地址:北京市朝阳区嘉林路甲 1 号71 号别墅 100016
电话:+86 10 6433 3863
传真:+86 10 6433 3810
领事业务对外开放时间: 每周一、三、四 上午 9:30-11:30
Telephone line are open: 9:00 – 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00
To book an appointment, please e-mail to embassy.china@mfa.gov.lv indicating:
purpose of your visit;
most convenient date and time for your visit;
your full name and surname;
your phone number.
According to Law on Submissions, Embassy:
will reply to your e-mail depending on the urgency of the issue addressed (usually within five working days), but no later than within one month from the date of receipt;
is entitled not to consider your e-mail, if you have not indicated your full name and surname;
is entitled not to reply, if the text of the submission is not objectively legible or understandable or the content of the submission is outright insulting and defiant. You take full responsibility for the contents of the message you send.
The Embassy is closed on following Latvian holidays:
1st January New Year's Day
Good Friday, Easter and Easter Monday
1st May Labour Day
4th May Declaration of Independence Day
23rd June Midsummer Eve
24th June John's Day
18th November Latvian National Day
24th, 25th and 26th December Christmas
31st December New Year's Eve
* if 4th May and 18th November is on Saturday or Sunday, Embassy will be closed for the next working day.
国名 拉脱维亚共和国(The Republic of Latvia)
面积 64589平方公里。
人口 207万(2011年3月)。拉脱维亚族占62.1%,俄罗斯族占26.9%,白俄罗斯族占3.3%,乌克兰族占2.2%,波兰族占2.2%,立陶宛族占1.2%。此外还有犹太、吉普赛、爱沙尼亚等民族。官方语言为拉脱维亚语,通用俄语。主要信奉罗马天主教、基督教路德教派和东正教、旧教、浸礼教。
首都 里加(Riga),人口70.6万人(2010年),1月平均气温-4.6℃,7月平均气温21.4℃,全年平均气温6.7℃。
国家元首 总统安德里斯·贝尔津什(Andris BERZINS),2011年6月当选,7月就职。
重要节日 独立日(国庆节):11月18日
简 况 位于波罗的海东岸,北与爱沙尼亚,南与立陶宛,东与俄罗斯,东南与白俄罗斯接壤。国界线总长1862公里。平均海拔87米,地貌为丘陵和平原。气候属海洋性气候向大陆性气候过渡的中间类型。1月平均气温-4.6℃,7月平均气温21.4℃,夜晚平均气温11℃。平均年降水量732毫米。